While we were watching my dad fill in the mulch, Tonito stepped backwards and fell head first
down the deck stairs into the grass- right in front of me! I grabbed his arm but he had already fallen so fast. I can't believe how much he trips! He is very dramatic with huge crocodile tears streaming down his little cheeks when he gets an owie, but really he just wants a little bit of attention, kisses, hugs, and then he is perfectly fine. Fortunately we think he has a really hard skull:). In other developments, he now says "gracias mommy" whenever I give him anything to eat, and also repeats Vivi in almost everything she says such as "I can do it" when he wants to do it by himself. He still is a fantastic eater and sleeper, and every day we see what a sweet little boy he is. He is very loving, and likes when we give him special attention and TLC. Just this week he started getting worried if I was too far ahead of him on our walk or at the park- he calls out "mommy!" This tiny sign of anxiety is actually a great sign of bonding, and one that adoptive parents hope for. Although eveyone thinks it is cute that he gives hugs to anyone, it is actually healthy attachment when he is a little shy of strangers and a little clingy to mommy and papi. I am thrilled to see this attachment starting to develop with me (and Tonio, although I think he already is very bonded with his papi!). Another cute personality trait is his affection towards Maya- he already learned our little song and nickname for her (Maya-boo) and likes to pat her on the head, give her hugs, and sing to her when she is upset. Vivi always looks out for Maya and tries to make her laugh if she is crying, and Tonito has definitely picked up on this, which means she now has 2 little entertainers when mommy is busy:).
Although life with 3 kids is insanely busy, we absolutely love it and wouldn't change anything! (OK, one little tiny detail I would change would be being able to sleep until 7am and being able to take a shower once in a while, but other than that we're peachy:).
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